RoboCup 2016 30 June to 3 July Leipzig RCL16_SH_5454 Der Wettbewerb der RoboCup@Home Liga. Photo: Leipziger Messe / Stefan Hoyer RCL16_SH_5480 Voll besetzte Ränge bei der Middle Size League. Photo: Leipziger Messe / Stefan Hoyer RCL16_SH_5586 Der Wettbewerb in der Liga RoboCup Logistics. Photo: Leipziger Messe / Stefan Hoyer RCL16_SH_5638 Großer Andrang beim Spiel der Soccer Simulation Liga. Photo: Leipziger Messe / Stefan Hoyer RCL16_SH_5716 Das Finalspiel der Liga Soccer Standard Platform zieht Besucher an. Photo: Leipziger Messe / Stefan Hoyer RCL16_SH_5721 Starke Emotionen bei den Besuchern des Finalspiels der Liga Soccer Standard Platform. Photo: Leipziger Messe / Stefan Hoyer RCL16_SH_5748 Das Finalspiel der Liga Humanoid Teen Size. Photo: Leipziger Messe / Stefan Hoyer RCL16_SH_6049 Pokale für die Siegerehrung der RoboCup Major Ligen. Photo: Leipziger Messe / Stefan Hoyer RCL16_SH_6114 Feierliche Siegerehrung der RoboCup Major Ligen. Photo: Leipziger Messe / Stefan Hoyer RCL16_SH_6459 Siegerehrung mit dem Louis Vuitton Award für den besten humanoiden Roboter. Photo: Leipziger Messe / Stefan Hoyer RCL16_SH_4438 Vorbereitungen im Wettbewerb RoboCupJunior OnStage. Photo: Leipziger Messe / Stefan Hoyer RCL16_SH_4523 Teilnehmer der Liga Rescue Robot sprechen sich ab. Photo: Leipziger Messe / Stefan Hoyer RCL16_SH_4550 Die Besucher fiebern bei der Liga RoboCupJunior OnStage mit. Photo: Leipziger Messe / Stefan Hoyer RCL16_SH_4581 Der Wettbewerb der Liga RoboCupJunior Rescue lockt Besucher an. Photo: Leipziger Messe / Stefan Hoyer RCL16_SH_4581 Großer Andrang bei einem Spiel der Liga Standard Platform. Photo: Leipziger Messe / Stefan Hoyer RCL16_TS_0659 Pepper von SoftBank Robotics begeistert große und kleine Besucher. Photo: Leipziger Messe / Tom Schulze RCL16_TS_0669 RCL16_TS_0684 RCL16_TS_0762 Die Ausstellung des RoboCup zeigt zahlreiche Innovation der Robotik. Photo: Leipziger Messe / Tom Schulze RCL16_TS_0715 RCL16_TS_0731 Der Call RoboCup@Home stieß auf großes Fachbesucherinteresse. Verschiedene Unternehmen präsentierten ihre Roboter für die ab dem kommenden Jahr eingeführte RoboCup@Home Standard Platform. Photo: Leipziger Messe / Tom Schulze RCL16_TS_0747 RCL16_TS_0825 Wettkämpfe in der Liga RoboCup Rescue Photo: Leipziger Messe / Tom Schulze RCL16_TS_0831 Wettkämpfe in der Liga RoboCup Industrial Photo: Leipziger Messe / Tom Schulze RCL16_TS_0834 Bei KUKA können Besucher einen Roboterarm steuern. Photo: Leipziger Messe / Tom Schulze RCL16_TS_0853 Im Outdoor Areal laden Beachvolleyballfeld, Rodeo reiten oder Segways dazu ein, sich auszutoben. Photo: Leipziger Messe / Tom Schulze RCL16_TS_0808 Teilnehmer der Middle Size (Soccer) bereiten sich auf den Wettkampf vor. Photo: Leipziger Messe / Tom Schulze RCL16_SH_3934 Beim Torwandschießen können Besucher und Teilnehmer selbst zu Fußballstars werden. Photo: Leipziger Messe / Stefan Hoyer RCL16_TS_0399 RoboCup provides visitors with an exciting look at the future of robotics. Photo: Leipziger Messe / Tom Schulze RCL16_TS_0412 RoboCup participants get ready for the Soccer competitions. Photo: Leipziger Messe / Tom Schulze RCL16_TS_0440 The RoboCup exhibition also includes a look at virtual reality. XMG demonstrates the HTC VIVE to visitors. Photo: Leipziger Messe / Tom Schulze RCL16_TS_0458 Martin Dulig, Deputy Premier and Saxony's Minister for the Economy, Labor and Transportation on the Leipziger Messe exhibition grounds: This is the first time robots are tested outdoors in the RoboCup Rescue League. Photo: Leipziger Messe / Tom Schulze RCL16_TS_0506 KUKA presents robotics innovations at the concurrent exhibitions. Photo: Leipziger Messe / Tom Schulze RCL16_TS_0549 The DGR Days (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Robotik) are held at the same time as RoboCup. Photo: Leipziger Messe / Tom Schulze RCL16_TS_0557 The 2nd Industriedialog Ost, Auf dem Weg zur digitalen Industrie – Robotik und Automation in der Praxis (On the way to digital industry - Robotics and automation in practice) is held at the same time as RoboCup. It is organized by the Federal Ministry for the Economy and Energy and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Industrie- und Handelskammer zu Leipzig). Photo: Leipziger Messe / Tom Schulze RCL16_TS_0595 RCL16_TS_0609 At RoboCamp – a three-day workshop – 160 children and youth build their first robot, followed by a competition. RoboCamp is organized by Industrie- und Handelskammer zu Leipzig. Photo: Leipziger Messe / Tom Schulze RCL16_TS_0645 Numerous scientific events are held concurrently with RoboCup in the Congress Center Leipzig. Photo: Leipziger Messe / Tom Schulze RCL16_TS_0655 The Pepper robot from SoftBank Robotics wows visitors at RoboCup. Photo: Leipziger Messe / Tom Schulze RCL16_TS_0105.JPG Mascot Twenty greets RoboCup participants. Photo: Leipziger Messe / Tom Schulze RCL16_TS_0169 RCL16_TS_0178 RCL16_TS_0187 RCL16_TS_0334 RCL16_TS_0415 RCL16_TS_0420 RCL16_TS_0423 RCL16_TS_0433 RCL16_TS_0530 RCL16_TS_0586 RoboCup participants in the Standard Platform League (RoboCup Soccer) Photo: Leipziger Messe / Tom Schulze RCL16_TS_0203 RoboCup-Junior dance Team iBot of the Lessing-Gymnasium Neu-Ulm Photo: Leipziger Messe / Tom Schulze RCL16_TS_0218 RCL16_TS_0224 RCL16_TS_0226 RoboCup participants at RoboCup Soccer Photo: Leipziger Messe / Tom Schulze RCL16_TS_0234 This is the first time that the Amazon Picking Challenge is held concurrently with RoboCup. Photo: Leipziger Messe / Tom Schulze RCL16_TS_0239 RoboCup participants look forward to the world championships of intelligent robots. Photo: Leipziger Messe / Tom Schulze RCL16_TS_0243 RCL16_TS_0611 Children and youth up to 20 years of age compete in RoboCup Junior. Soccer, Rescue and OnStage. Here, a team competes in the Soccer category. Photo: Leipziger Messe / Tom Schulze RCL16_TS_0258 RoboCup Junior participants get ready for the competitions. Photo: Leipziger Messe / Tom Schulze RCL16_TS_0278 RoboCup Opening Ceremony Photo: Leipziger Messe / Tom Schulze RCL16_TS_0285 Professor Gerhard Kreatzschmar, General Chair RoboCup 2016 at the Opening Ceremony for RoboCup 2016 Photo: Leipziger Messe / Tom Schulze RCL16_TS_0292 Markus Geisenberger, Managing Director of Leipziger Messe, at the Opening Ceremony for RoboCup 2016 Photo: Leipziger Messe / Tom Schulze RCL16_TS_0302 Martin Dulig, Deputy Premier and Saxony's Minister for the Economy, Labor and Transportation at the Opening Ceremony for RoboCup 2016 Photo: Leipziger Messe / Tom Schulze RCL16_TS_0304 Burkhard Jung, Lord Mayor of Leipzig at the Opening Ceremony for RoboCup 2016 Photo: Leipziger Messe / Tom Schulze RCL16_TS_0312 Dr. Juha Heikkilä, Head of UNIT, Robotics, DG Connect, European Commission at the Opening Ceremony for RoboCup 2016 Photo: Leipziger Messe / Tom Schulze RCL16_TS_0314 Prof. Dr. Hiroaki Kitano, Founding President RC Federation at the Opening Ceremony for RoboCup 2016 Photo: Leipziger Messe / Tom Schulze RCL16_TS_0320 Dr. Itsuki Noda, President RC Federation at the Opening Ceremony for RoboCup 2016 Photo: Leipziger Messe / Tom Schulze RCL16_TS_0364 Burkhard Jung, Lord Mayor of Leipzig, visits the RoboCup exhibition. Photo: Leipziger Messe / Tom Schulze Subtitles Ellie explores Leipzig Ellie_012.jpg RoboCup 2016 30 June to 4 July 2016 Leipzig will host the 20th RoboCup. Ellie, a robot from Aldebaran, discovers Leipzig's downtown area. This image shows Ellie at the Nikolaikirchhof. The church and courtyard were the starting point for many demonstrations during the Peaceful Revolution. Image: Leipziger Messe GmbH Ellie_020.jpg Ellie_023.jpg RoboCup 2016 30 June to 4 July 2016 Leipzig will host the 20th RoboCup. Ellie, a robot from Aldebaran, discovers Leipzig's downtown area. In this image, Ellie is in the Red Bull Arena. The arena is home to the second soccer league club RB Leipzig, and was also a venue during the 2006 World Championships. Image: Leipziger Messe GmbH Ellie_024.jpg RoboCup 2016 30 June to 4 July 2016 Leipzig will host the 20th RoboCup. Ellie, a robot from Aldebaran, discovers Leipzig's exhibition grounds. In this image, Ellie visits the Glashalle. It is the central element of the Leipzig exhibition grounds. This is where the competitions of RoboCup 2016 will be held. Image: Leipziger Messe GmbH Ellie_039.jpg RoboCup 2016 30 June to 4 July 2016 Leipzig will host the 20th RoboCup. Ellie, a robot from Aldebaran, discovers Leipzig. In this image, Ellie visits the War Monument. This monument was built in memory of the Battle of Leipzig, and was inaugurated on 18 October 1913. With a height of 91 meters, it is one of the largest monuments in Europe, and also one of Leipzig's best-known landmarks. Image: Leipziger Messe GmbH Ellie_041.jpg Ellie_051.jpg RoboCup 2016 30 June to 4 July 2016 Leipzig will host the 20th RoboCup. Ellie, a robot from Aldebaran, discovers Leipzig's downtown area. Ellie has climbed to the top of City-Hochhaus Leipzig. With 142.0 meters and 29 floors, it is the second-highest building in the new federal states, and offers stunning views of Leipzig. Image: Leipziger Messe GmbH Ellie_071.jpg RoboCup 2016 30 June to 4 July 2016 Leipzig will host the 20th RoboCup. Ellie, a robot from Aldebaran, discovers Leipzig's downtown area. In this image, Ellie is visiting the main university building on the Augustusplatz. Universität Leipzig – Alma Mater Lipsiensis (AML) – is the largest university in Leipzig. It was founded in 1409 and is the second-oldest university in the territory of the current German republic. At this time, it is home to almost 30,000 students. Image: Leipziger Messe GmbH Ellie_075.jpg RoboCup 2016 30 June to 4 July 2016 Leipzig will host the 20th RoboCup. Ellie, a robot from Aldebaran, discovers Leipzig's downtown area. In this image, Ellie is standing in front of the opera on the Augustusplatz. Image: Leipziger Messe GmbH Ellie_080.jpg RoboCup 2016 30 June to 4 July 2016 Leipzig will host the 20th RoboCup. Ellie, a robot from Aldebaran, discovers Leipzig's downtown area. In this image, Ellie is in front of the Alte Rathaus am Markt (old city hall). The Alte Rathaus is one of the last and most important renaissance buildings in Germany. Image: Leipziger Messe GmbH Ellie_012.jpg RoboCup 2016 30 June to 4 July 2016 Leipzig will host the 20th RoboCup. Ellie, a robot from Aldebaran, discovers Leipzig's downtown area. In this image, Ellie is standing in front of Auerbachs Keller. The restaurant is the second-oldest food establishment in Leipzig. It owes its international fame to Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. While studying in Leipzig (1765-1768), the poet spent a lot of time in Auerbachs Keller. With the Auerbachs Keller scene in Faust I, he memorialized not just his own student hang-out but also left a lasting literacy legacy for the city. Image: Leipziger Messe GmbH Ellie_92.jpg RoboCup 2016 30 June to 4 July 2016 Leipzig will host the 20th RoboCup. Ellie, a robot from Aldebaran, discovers Leipzig's downtown area. In this image, Ellie is standing in front of Riquet coffee house. The commercial building built by architect Paul Lange in 1908/09 for Riquet & Co was at the time one of the most modern and undoubtedly most original buildings in Leipzig, and today is one of Leipzig's most popular coffee shops. Image: Leipziger Messe GmbH Ellie_104.jpg RoboCup 2016 30 June to 4 July 2016 Leipzig will host the 20th RoboCup. Ellie, a robot from Aldebaran, discovers Leipzig's downtown area. In this image, Ellie is standing in front of the main train station. With 120,000 travelers and a large shopping center, the train station is one of the busiest intercity train stations of Deutsche Bahn. Image: Leipziger Messe GmbH Ellie_121.jpg RoboCup 2016 30 June to 4 July 2016 Leipzig will host the 20th RoboCup. Ellie, a robot from Aldebaran, discovers Leipzig's downtown area - this image shows the Federal Administrative Court. Image: Leipziger Messe GmbH Ellie_137.jpg RoboCup 2016 30 June to 4 July 2016 Leipzig will host the 20th RoboCup. Ellie, a robot from Aldebaran, discovers Leipzig's downtown area. In this image, Ellie is visiting the Neue Rathaus (new city hall). It was built in the historism style. Together with the town hall, it covers an area of approximately 10,000 square meters with almost 600 rooms, and is one of the world's largest city halls. Image: Leipziger Messe GmbH