
Whether SPD or CDU, Deutsche Bahn, Mercedes Benz or Porsche Automobil Holding SE: the really large events are held in HALLE:EINS. Party conventions, annual general meetings, company presentations and corporate events choose this hall due to the many options it offers. Flexible space and room-in-room concepts combine top stage and show solutions with outstanding large-scale backstage areas.
150 Years DVGW ▪ Regular Annual General Meeting of Porsche Automobil Holding SE ▪ Amway Expo ▪ FIFA World Cup final round draw 2006 ▪ Siemens Truck Roadshow ▪ E/D/E Branchentreff ▪ EURONICS Kongress ▪ Roadshow VIEGA ▪ Tupperware Deutschland ▪ Deutsche Telekom
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Leipziger Messe Gastveranstaltungen GmbH, Messe-Allee 1, 04356 Leipzig
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