Arrival and parking
Reaching your destination safely
These driving directions are designed as an orientation guide for your arrival. In addition, we also provide the GPS coordinates for our parking spaces.
GPS coordinates
Press access South 1 Gate (Süd 1):
51°23'39''N / 012°23'52''O
GPS coordinates
Access CCL parking area:
51°23'56''N / 012°23'54''O
Access visitors parking area P 1:
51°23'37''N / 012°24'23''O
Access visitors parking area P 2:
51°23'53''N / 012°24'47''O
Exhibitor access South 1 (Süd 1):
51°23'39''N / 012°23'52''O
Exhibitor access North 1 (Nord 1):
51°23'55''N / 012°24'25''O
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Leipziger Messe GmbH, Messe-Allee 1, 04356 Leipzig
© Leipziger Messe 2018. All rights reserved.