denkmal 2006 (25.10. - 28.10.2006)
Gold Medal for Outstanding Achievements in Heritage Conservation

CCEG Compagnonnages Européens – Europäische Gesellenzünfte, Paris (France)
for their efforts in taking handcrafts into the future across Europe Exhibition hall 2, C16

Kantarel Mosaikstudio, Sankt Petersburg (Russia)
for the restoration of miniature mosaics and the development of specialist equipment for manufacturing materials Exhibition hall 2, Stand G30

Atelier de Restauration Damamme, LE VIEIL BAUGÉ (France)
for the authentic restoration of historic wall coverings Exhibition hall 2, Stand E02/F01

SPIEGEL ART Steffen Noack, Weisswasser
for the revival of old techniques in making mirrors and their use in preservation Exhibition hall 2, Stand J04

Stiftung zur Bewahrung kirchlicher Baudenkmäler in Deutschland KiBa, Hannover
for their sponsorship and financial support in an increasingly threatened field of preservation Exhibition hall 2, Stand D02

Gürtlerei Paul Lorenz und Tischlerei Sebastian Schulz, Chemnitz
for the reproduction of historic interiors and lighting Exhibition hall 2, Stand C04

Gemeinde Bendeleben in cooperation with Arbeitskreis Orangerien in Deutschland e.V., Potsdam
for their initiatives and years of dedication in restoring Bendeleben Orangerie and putting it back to use Exhibition hall 2, Stand IF 19

Arbeitsgemeinschaft Historische Fachwerkstädte e.V., Fulda
for the exemplary "Framework sets a precedent" initiative Exhibition hall 2, Stand A20

Technische Universität Dresden
for its network of innovations in preservation Exhibition hall 2, E31

Stadt Leipzig
for its innovative revitalisation programme for disused buildings (Selbstnutzer.de) Exhibition hall 2, Stand B40