Leipziger Messe, including the Congress Center Leipzig, commit themselves to the principles of corporate responsibility. Under the headline Wachsen in Balance (Growing in Balance) Leipziger Messe has launched a transparent and measurable sustainability management system. The objective is to create a new balance between economic growth, and responsibility for the environment and the society.
Having undergone a sustainability audit process, Leipziger Messe received the Green Globe Certificate in February 2010 (renewed in 2017), an internationally renowned and recognised sustainability certificate of the event and tourism industry. The process of auditing has also revealed future objectives for making Leipziger Messe's operations and policies even more sustainable.
Also, the Congress Center Leipzig signed fairpflichtet, the Sustainability Code of the German meetings industry, launched by the GCB German Convention Bureau in co-operation with the EVVC European Federation of Meeting Venues.
Growth on a long-term basis is only possible if the interests of the environment, of society, and of our business partners are respected, and if they are given the opportunity to grow along with us. Acting in a sustainable way is an investment into the foundations of our future existence.