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    denkmal '96 (30.10. - 2.11.1996)

    Gold Medal for Outstanding Achievements in Heritage Conservation in Europa

    • Ausstellung "Altstadt und Werbung", Stralsund
      for a model concept for advertising in old city centres
    • Denkmalhof Gernewitz
      for innovations in the preservation of historic monuments
    • Brüder Wilfinger, Vienna
      for conservation of the original structure in the restoration of the Hofburg, Vienna
    • Märkische Keramik - Keramikmanufactur Reicho GmbH, Görzke
      for the traditional production of historic building materials
    • Claytec Lehmbau, Viersen
      for the innovative revival of clay building techniques
    • Klaus-Peter Dyroff,
      Restaurator, Schmiedeberg

      for the historically appropriate restoration of mosaics
    • Glindower Ziegelei GmbH, Glindow
      for the traditional production of materials for conservation work
    • Schreinerei Zoepf, Lohr am Main
      for the historically appropriate restoration of windows and parquet flooring
    • Stadverwaltung Naumburg
      for imaginative and popularly accessible information dissemination on heritage conservation
    • PKZ Warsaw, Poland
      for outstanding achievements, in particular in documentation and archaeology
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