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    Taking photos at the MCC

    Dear visitor at the MCC,

    the Manga-Comic-Con is a colourful event. The detail-rich, lovingly designed costumes of the Cosplayers are of course very inspiring for many (hobby) photographers. So that all visitors have an enjoyable experience and it doesn't come to legal problems we ask that the following rules are observed when taking photos. At the same time we recommend all Cosplayers to converse with the photographers. This enables you to find out what the photos will be used for and ensures that you don't experience any unpleasant surprises.

    We principally differentiate between photos for private purposes as well as for commercial purposes.

    1. Taking photos for private purposes & the publishing of them

    Taking photos for private purposes at Manga-Comic-Con is generally tolerated by the Leipziger Messe.

    There are however important rules to be observed:

    • If you take photos of other visitors you must first specifically ask them for permission. Every person holds the right to his or her own image and does not wish to appear on other peoples cameras without them knowing it.
    • If you want to publish the photos afterwards then you need (best in writing!) to acquire consent from the person being photographed. The background: In Germany the right to one's own image applies. This means that every individual principally has the right to define whether and in what context the images of him or her may be published. With children and teenagers below 18 years of age it is even necessary to acquire the consent of the parents.
    • By the way, a publication is not only an inclusion on web sites or in magazines. Facebook or other social media channels are also public!
    • If the right to one's own image is not observed then high penalties can be incurred.

    Our tips for Cosplayers!

    • Do not thoughtlessly give up your personal rights. Of course, anyone who has so lovingly designed their Cosplay costume wants to show it to the whole world. But consider beforehand who you want to allow to take your photograph.
    • In the best case let the photographer give you his or her contact data and ask what the photos will be used for. This will give you an idea where your photos will end up.

    2. Taking photos with a commercial purpose

    If you take photos at the MCC and want to use the photos later commercially (for example want to sell your photos, use them for leaflets or a web site) you require a written authorization from the Leipziger Messe. This is regulated through our house rules (PDF, 54.0 kB):

    • Section 5.1: „The following activities are prohibited on the premises without written permission by LM: […] - Taking photographs, making films, videos, audio recordings, or sketches specifically of trade fair or exhibition items for commercial purposes.“

    What does this mean?

    • Commercial photo and film shooting must be approved through us in advance and is subject to fees.
    • If you should wish to take photos at the MCC for commercial purposes then send an informal application by e-mail to info@manga-comic-con.de. There you will also obtain the exact prices.
    • If commercial photos are taken without authorization then a penalty will be imposed.

    3. Equipment and appliances

    • Taking photos and filming must not inhibit the visitor flow, the routing and the safety.
    • Due to the high number of visitors the use of any stationary equipment such as e.g. blinds, ladders etc. must be restricted and is only temporarily allowed within a limited scope.
    • It is at the discretion of the Leipziger Messe GmbH on-site to decide whether equipment must be removed, respectively where and over what time period this may be used.
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    Imprint| Data protection| Leipziger Messe GmbH, Messe-Allee 1, 04356 Leipzig. © Leipziger Messe 2018. All rights reserved.