On the pulse of the industry: Leipziger Messe Magazin

"A celebration of 850 years" is the title theme for the current Leipziger Messe Magazin in the anniversary year of 2015. Find out how the annual fairs in Leipzig became trade fairs, how stalls became trade fair booths and how the trade fairs came to characterise the townscape. How the history of the Leipziger Buchmesse began - and how visitors to the Leipziger Bücherfrühling (Leipzig Spring Book Fair) experienced literature at that time. How innovations changed trade fair architecture, and how trade fairs now reflect the latest trends.
Interesting stories describe which products went on to have an illustrious career after their start in Leipzig, the difficulties encountered by dealers who travelled to Leipzig, and how the modern Leipziger trade fairs and conferences paved the way for electro-mobility. You can also read about the miracle healers from the early days, the current industry meeting places of high-tech medicine and Leipziger Messe's international presence.
Download the current edition of the Leipziger Messe Magazin 2015 (PDF, 4.6 MB).
Past Messe Magazin issues

Messe Magazin 2014
Messe Magazin 2014 is dedicated to the issue of events. What are the trends? What are the success factors, and what examples have set a precedent? Learn more about the event location HALLE:EINS and its unique and flexible grandstand system. Or how Leipziger Messe is committed to sustainability in the trade fair industry. Read the second edition of the Leipziger Messe Magazin to find out about the newest trade fair news, what makes Leipzig an attractive convention location and how Turkish Airlines is cooperating with Leipziger Messe. Download Leipziger Messe Magazin (PDF, 7.4 MB).

Messe Magazin 2013
Room for developments - the first Leipziger Messe Magazin turns its focus on the industry. Find out how you can use trade fairs as a marketing instrument, or learn more about the trends that are shaping the congress and event industry.
Download the first edition of the Leipziger Messe Magazin (PDF, 4.6 MB).