Buying online tickets from the comfort of your home
Der Ticketshop für Privatbesucher der Leipziger Buchmesse und Manga-Comic-Convention startet im Dezember 2018.
Combined tickets
The tickets for the Manga-Comic-Con and the Leipzig book fair are combiend tickets that allow entrance to both events.
GTC Ticketshop
FAQ Ticketshop
Online Dispute Resolution (Art. 14 para. 1 ODR Regulation)
A platform for online dispute resolution is provided by the European Commission at ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/
Ticket order
Here you can order your personal ticket and also register other persons. Your information will be transmitted on a secure connection.
Please note that payments in the ticketshop may only be made

credit card

Pay Pal

Pay now with Klarna (direct banking)
Public transport
All ticket holders have the right of free travel to and from the fairground with the services of the central German transport association (MDV) on the day of visit in selected tariff zones.
Tariff zone schedule for download - Mitteldeutscher Verkehrsbund GmbH (PDF, 802.0 kB)