Representations of the Leipzig Trade Fair in Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic
LIPSKÉ VELETRHY SEPP International s.r.o.

Mr. Pavel Pelikán
Premyslovska 32
130 00 PRAHA 3
Phone: +420 2 22 73 44 83
e-mail: info@lipskeveletrhy.cz
Postal Address:
PO Box č. 11
130 03 POŠTA PRAHA 33
SEPP International s.r.o. is the official representative in Czech Republic and Slovakia for Leipziger Messe.
As the official representative we market the diverse range of fairs which take place in Leipzig every year.
We also support Czech and Slovakian companies, organisations and authorities in their planning and visiting any exhibitions at Leipziger Messe.
What we offer to Czech companies:
Arranging of exhibition space, organising group stands, filling out of application forms, correct entries in the show catalogues and technical assistance.
We can also arrange temporary staff and interpreters for your stand, as well as arrange invitations to Germans with knowledge of the industry and trade companies to visit the stand.
What we offer to visitors:
Advance sale of reduced price tickets and catalogues, delegation travel, information on travel arrangements, hotels and sights.
In addition we organise press conferences for the German, Czech and Slovakian press in the Czech Republic and Slovakia and at several fairs in Leipzig.
Our service is free of charge and we offer an opportunity to acquaint you to Leipziger Messe, whether you are interested as an exhibitor or visitor.