Hotels in Leipzig
Hotels for all preferences
Leipzig offers accommodation to suit all pockets within easy reach of the KONGRESSHALLE - all of them offering outstanding value for money. The first-class hotels of well-known international hotel chains will meet the most sophisticated of requirements. Privately-run establishments and boutique hotels bring a style and individuality that visitors find appealing. And visitors with a limited budget too will find some excellent accommodation here.
Assistance with hotel arrangements for the whole cohort
The exhibition and events services department at the Leipzig Exhibition Centre will be happy to take on all the accommodation arrangements for your event, from planning the overall requirements to advice and the organisation of individual reservations.
Your direct contact to the Hotel Reservation Team
Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Phone: +49 341 678-8725
Fax: +49 341 678-8722
Outside of these times, we shall be happy to deal with your request by email: hotelreservation@leipziger-messe.de
All Leipziger Messe's partner hotels at a glance
All our partner hotels have been quality-checked. You will find a complete overview of them here: