Free WiFi for Visitors
At the Leipziger Messe grounds, you will receive free WiFi access throughout the duration of Leipziger Messe’s own events. The bandwidth is a maximum 1 Mbit/s.
How does it work?
Connect to the WiFi network using the SSID "Leipziger Messe". When first accessing an unencrypted website, you will be directed to our landing page. Follow the instructions, confirm the terms of use, and you are ready to surf.
Please note that free WiFi access is limited to Leipziger Messe’s own events and only available during the trade fair’s duration.
Please note that free WiFi access at Leipzig Book Fair is limited and only available during the trade fair’s duration.
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Leipziger Messe GmbH, Messe-Allee 1, 04356 Leipzig
© Leipziger Messe 2018. All rights reserved.