Family services
We take care of your little ones

For a relaxed walk around the trade fair and pursuing your interests and business opportunities - with your children.
Nursing room
A nursing room offering nappy-changing table, washing facilities and privacy can be found in the Glass hall, Magnolienallee (next to the trade fair shop).
Children's bracelets
For security purposes these free children's bracelets are available on all information stands. On them you can note name and telephone number. This enables parents to be informed whenever children get lost.
Additional offerings
- competitively priced family admission prices
- free entrance for children up to and including five years of age
- readings and programmes especially for children in the "reading booths" and the "Read meeting place" in trade fair hall 2
- children's book store offering a varied programme of current children and youth literature
- family café in hall 2, where children and parents can take a break from the busy trade fair atmosphere
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