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Book your online ticket in a few steps


Please click this button. It will lead you to the English ticketshop of the Manga-Comic-Con (Note: The Leipzig Book Fair does not have an English shop). Tickets for the Leipzig Book Fair and Manga-Comic-Con are combined tickets that allow entrance to both events.

Online Dispute Resolution (Art. 14 para. 1 ODR Regulation)

A platform for online dispute resolution is provided by the European Commission at ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/


Logos Kreditkarten

credit card



Sofortüberweisung Klarna

Pay now with Klarna (direct banking)

Public transport

All ticket holders have the right of free travel to and from the fairground with the services of the central German transport association (MDV) on the day of visit in selected tariff zones.

Tariff zone schedule for download - Mitteldeutscher Verkehrsbund GmbH (PDF, 802.0 kB)

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