Directions to exhibition grounds and accommodations in Leipzig
The quick way to Leipzig: By car, train, bus or air and a good night's sleep

Leipzig is located in the heart of Europe. Leipziger Messe is easy to reach any way you choose - car, train, long-distance bus or by plane. Our grounds are located right by the Autobahn, near the Schkeuditzer Kreuz (interchange). The Leipzig/Halle airport is only eight minutes by Autobahn.
If you arrive at the Leipzig main train station with the ICE, you can take the regional train (Regionalbahn/RB) or the rapid transit trains (S-Bahn/MDV) to reach the "Leipzig Messe" stop in just six minutes. If you are coming from downtown, the tram will get to you the grounds in approximately 20 minutes.
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Leipziger Messe GmbH, Messe-Allee 1, 04356 Leipzig
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