autoren@leipzig 77 Exhibitors
Fiction and poetry 808 Exhibitors
Education/school/day-care centre 295 Exhibitors
Book art & graphics 204 Exhibitors
Comic 84 Exhibitors
Computer and video games 5 Exhibitors
Service providers in the book trade 149 Exhibitors
DVD/Blu-ray 16 Exhibitors
E-book/apps 142 Exhibitors
Reference/scientific and academic books 274 Exhibitors
Gift books 111 Exhibitors
Audio books 123 Exhibitors
International/foreign-language literature 99 Exhibitors
Calendars 102 Exhibitors
Books for children and young people 346 Exhibitors
Art books 146 Exhibitors
Media 157 Exhibitors
Music 75 Exhibitors
Non-books 110 Exhibitors
Print on demand 23 Exhibitors
Guides 216 Exhibitors
Travel 150 Exhibitors
Regional matters 99 Exhibitors
Religion 106 Exhibitors
Non-fiction 557 Exhibitors
Associations/organisations/authorities/institutions 121 Exhibitors
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