Press archive 2016
Leipzig Book Fair / Festival of literature "Leipzig liest"
Susanne Meierhenrich is in charge of press work for Lithuania – Guest of Honour at the Leipzig Book Fair 2017 – Lithuania is Guest of Honour at the Leipzig Book Fair 2017. Susanne Meierhenrich is in charge of press work.
Manga-Comic-Con, Leipzig Book Fair / Festival of literature "Leipzig liest"
Final report – Between 17 and 20 March, 260.000 visitors (2015: 251.000), 195.000 (2015: 186.000) of which on the Leipzig fairgrounds, celebrated the word in all its varieties in Leipzig. Overall 2.250 exhibitors from 42 countries (2015: 2.263 from 42 countries) presented a sea of words, images and sounds at the Leipzig Book Fair, the Manga-Comic-Con and the reading festival “Leipzig liest” (Leipzig reads). Authors, illustrators and musicians invited the audience to join them in 3.200 events at 410 locations on the fairgrounds and in the Leipzig City centre to meet and exchange ideas. The Leipzig Book Fair presented itself with a strong professional program as the most important springtime meeting place for the business.
Leipzig Book Fair / Festival of literature "Leipzig liest"
Participants “Europa21. Thinking tomorrow's society” at Leipzig Book Fair – Sadik J. al-Azm, born 1934 in Damascus, is a Professor Emeritus of Modern European Philosophy at the University of Damascus. He is considered to be as one of the most important progressive thinkers of the Arab world. He was awarded the Goethe-Medal in 2015. He was granted political asylum in Germany in 2012. His latest work published in German is „Islam and Secular Humanism“ (Mohr-Siebek).
Leipzig Book Fair / Festival of literature "Leipzig liest"
Europe in times of immigration and integration – Due to the large number of refugees and immigrants, Europe is facing its most complex restructuring process since the mid-20th century. At the same time European governments have never been as divided as they are in regards to the handling of the refugee crisis. There are many uncertainties within the population as well: What do we really know about immigration in Europe? What concepts for integration are there? What could Europe look like in the future? Between March 17th and 20th, intellectuals and artists will come together in Leipzig to put their analyses, facts, experiences and future scenarios up for debate within the focus of “Europa21. Thinking tomorrow's society”.