Resource management
As part of its daily work activities, the group emphasises the conscious and ideally minimal use of resources and energy.
The "2 degree" office provides a number of hints as to how resources and energy may be saved over the course of a typical day. Each one of us generates about ten to 12 tonnes of CO2 per year based on our lifestyle; this volume can already be reduced by simple measures. The name "2 degree office" refers to the global target of limiting global warming to two degrees.
Recycling paper is made available for copiers and printers at the workplaces. Leipziger Messe employees are asked to use recycling paper particularly for internal use, and to refrain from making unnecessary print-outs, such as e-mail correspondence.
The digitalisation of frequently used forms - such as orders and shipping orders - makes for more efficient and resource-friendly work processes.
Expert visitors to congresses or trade fairs receive so-called badges. These are made of high-quality plastic covers that contain the expert visitor certification so that it can be easily seen by exhibitors. Instead of producing new badges for each event, they are collected at the exits and re-used another time.